天生絕配 Compatibility (CH/EN)

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天生絕配 Compatibility 中英文合輯版

Play for this game differs from the original in that it is now for up to 8 players,and there are new images and hundreds of topics. Players are in teams of two. Each person has a deck of picture cards. Each deck has the same set of pictures. A word is chosen and each player chooses 2-5 cards from his/her deck. Teams score points for choosing the same pictures, and score extra points for putting the pictures in the same order (from most to least important). The board is used to keep track of the score, and to dictate how many pictures a team may select. First team to the end wins.

  • Party Game
  • 8 players
  • Knowing each others

Game Time:30 min
Language:Many Languages Choice
Weight:1.11 kg
Designer:Craig Browne
BGG Link:compatibility

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