Disney Villains - The Card Game

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Disney Villains - The Card Game

Game play in Disney Villains: The Card Game is simple, but the villains rarely stay loyal to you, possibly giving points away to other players. On a turn, you must play one card from your hand that matches the number or color of the card on top of your pile — but if the card you would play matches the top card of your left- or right-hand neighbor's discard pile, then you must play it there instead! If you have no valid play or don't want to give points away to someone else, you can play the card face down on your stack, showing the hero on the card back. On your next turn, you can play any card you like on your pile. Once all the cards have been played, everyone scores for the cards in their pile — but first they must count the number of hero cards in their pile. Disney Villains The Card Game includes two special cards, Maleficent, Cruella de Ville, Ursula, Captain Hook, Jafar, Scar.

  • Heul doch! Mau Mau
  • Disney Villains
  • Perfect Gift, Easy to Play

Game Time:15-25 min
Language:No necessary
Weight:400 g
Designer:Leo Colovini
BGG Link:disney-villains-the-card-game