Dungeon of Mandom VIII (JP/EN*)

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Dungeon of Mandom VIII

Throw away everything and meet the challenge! Eight challengers met in an old tavern. They were talking about their adventures. To prove that they are braver than everyone else, they throw away all of their equipment and enter a dark and dangerous dungeon to search for treasures hiding inside of it. If they make it back out of the dungeon with the treasure, their courage is proven. But it's only a thin line between courage and lunacy. If they are too careless in the dungeon they have to pay with their lives... Playing this game the players will find themselves in a roleplay world, playing the role of one of the eight adventurers. It is about walking through a dangerous dungeon with as few equipment as possible. Bluffing and analyzing are also parts of this atmospheric card game.

  • Oink Games
  • Push Your Luck
  • Fighting, Bluffing

Game Time:30 min
Language:Many Languages Choice
Weight:250 g
Designer:Antoine Bauza, Masato Uesugi
Artist:Hisanori Hiraoka, Jun Sasaki
BGG Link:dungeon-of-mandom-viii