Cheating Moth

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Cheating Moth
Cheating is forbidden? Not in this naughty game of cards – in fact, you'll probably have to cheat in order to win. In Mogel Motte you want to get rid of all the cards in your hand before anyone else. On a turn, a player places one card from her hand onto the discard pile; that card must be numbered exactly one higher or lower than the card on top of the discard pile. (The numbers wrap, so a 1 can be played on a 5 and vice versa.) If a player can't play a card, she draws one from the deck and her turn ends. There's another way to rid yourself of cards, though: cheating! Throughout the round, you can make cards disappear by dropping them on the floor, hiding them up your sleeve and so on. The player with the guard bug – and only him! – can call out other players for cheating. When one player has no cards in hand, the round ends. All other players score 10 points for each Cheating Moth in hand, 5 points for each action card, and 1 point for each number card. After a number of rounds equal to the number of players, the game ends and the player with the lowest score wins.

  • Cheating is the key
  • Cheating, throw your cards away without being caught
  • Kid's favorite games and action card game

Game Time:30 min
Language:No necessary
Weight:250 g
Designer:Emely Brand, Lukas Brand
Artist:Rolf Vogt
BGG Link:cheating-moth