Greedy Kingdoms

  • 網購價
  • $799.35
  • 定價 $841.42

Greedy Kingdoms
Who has the greediest kingdom? In Greedy Kingdoms, you and an opponent compete in a test of wits. Can you bluff past them to collect the most resources and build two royal palaces first, or will the opponent outthink your plans and stop you at each turn? Deploy your heroes to attack and defend, collect resources, and upgrade your kingdom all while working towards the coveted royal palaces so that all the other kingdoms stand in awe of your gree...wealth!

  • Deploy your heroes to attack and defend, collect resources
  • Shades of Citadels with all the different player types
  • Wide decision space to make varied and informed choices

Game Time:20 min
Language:English Only
Weight:340 g
Designer:Bruno Faidutti, Hayato Kisaragi
Artist:Matt Paquette
BGG Link:greedy-kingdoms