
  • 網購價
  • 定價 $1,097.53


Labyrinth (formerly The Amazing Labyrinth) has spawned a whole line of Labyrinth games. The game board has a set of tiles fixed solidly onto it; the remaining tiles that make up the labyrinth slide in and out of the rows created by the tiles that are locked in place. One tile always remains outside the labyrinth, and players take turns taking this extra tile and sliding it into a row of the labyrinth, moving all those tiles and pushing one out the other side of the board; this newly removed tile becomes the piece for the next player to add to the maze.

  • Maze
  • Network and Route Building
  • Point to Point Movement

Game Time:20 min
Language:No necessary
Weight:1.15 kg
Designer:Max J. Kobbert
Artist:Andreas Härlin
BGG Link:labyrinth