Painkiller BG Shop (and Painkiller Boardgame, located at Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong), aims at promoting board games. Playing board games can train up your logical thinking, strategic thinking and communication skills, it can also release pressure.
We source different games globally, for providing more choices from beginner to expert, also for targeting games which are easy-learning and worth to be collection.
All we sell in our shops are legal copies, board games and peripheral products. We hope customers enjoy the masterpiece games with the well-made accessories, also support different groups in the game industry, including the game designer and graphic designer.
實體店位於尖沙咀加連威老道10號-棋艦店 ,是一間專門為桌遊愛好者而設的桌遊室,提供舒適環境給客人,惟消閑的好去處。顧客訂貨除了郵寄外,亦可到實體店取貨,也有貨品只在棋艦店內供應,歡迎光臨參觀。
Our brick and mortar store located on 10 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. Painkiller Boardgame is a place specialised for board gamers. Customers could pick up games from there and also find some specified items. Welcome to visit us.