Hoch Spannung (DE) 7 Date 9 數急字轉彎
Distribute the deck evenly among all the players, then lay out one card face up to start the discard pile. Each player takes four cards from the personal deck in hand, and they can draw more cards from it at any time — which may or may not be helpful. Each card shows a multiplication problem in its center, along with two individual digits in each corner. When the game begins, each player races to complete the multiplication problem on the top card in the discard pile, e.g. 6x9, then play a card on it that has in its corner a number that matches either the first or second digit of the product, in this case 5 or 4. This newly played card has a multiplication problem of its own, and someone will play a matching card on it, etc. Whoever plays all the cards in their hand and personal deck first wins.
- Math, Race card game
- Educational
- Multiplication
Game Time:7-20 min
Language:No necessary
Weight:180 g
Designer:Maureen Hiron
Artist:Antje Stephan
BGG Link:hochspannung