Insider - Black
A new, spicier version of the hit conversation game, Insider, which sold 100,000 copies worldwide! While trying to find the correct answer to the quiz you also need to be on the look out for the insider that is manipulating the game from behind the scenes. Some tricky new elements have been added to insider such as, more difficult theme cards, the new "follower" role, and some "off-limits question" cards. You can play with this version only. In addition, you can also add this version together with the original game, Insider, and play with up to 11 people in a team battle. If you want more Insider fun then this is for you! This game has 42 all new, more difficult theme cards and a 3 minute hourglass, exciting "black rules", "team rules" that can be used when playing together with the original Insider and many other exciting things! Of course Insider Black' can be played as a standalone game too!
- Oink Games
- Hidden Roles with Asymmetric Information
- Deduction, Traitor Game, and Team-Based
Game Time:10-15 min
Language:English Only
Weight:210 g
Designer:Hiroko Izumida, Jun Sasaki
Artist:Hiroko Izumida, Jun Sasaki
BGG Link:insider-black