Chicken Cha Cha Cha 拔毛運動會

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  • Regular price HK$398.00
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Chicken Cha Cha Cha

Today, there is chaos in the chicken yard!!! Todays practice for the chicken cha cha olympics is feather stealing. Each chicken cha chas to catch each of their opponents without being caught themself. Their reward for catching another chicken is tail feathers. The first chicken to have all tail feathers is the winner! But only a chicken who knows what is in the chicken yard will be able to catch the others and win the game. A chicken with a leaky memory will find himself standing bare-rumped and medalless when the prizes are distributed.

  • Best game
  • Big Wooden Chicken
  • Children Memory

Game Time:15-20 min
Language:No necessary
Weight:1.25 kg
Designer:Klaus Zoch
Artist:Doris Matthäus, Klaus Zoch
BGG Link:chicken-cha-cha-cha

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