Sitting Ducks Deluxe 射鴨子 新版

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  • Regular price HK$220.00
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Sitting Ducks Deluxe

Sitting Ducks Gallery is a hysterically fun, stick-it-to-your-neighbor, line manipulation game invented by Keith Meyers. Sitting Ducks is reminiscent of the classic carnival-style, midway shooting galleries, where players are trying to take out as many ducks as possible. Players move ducks and targets, take aim, and eventually eliminate other players’ ducks using a variety of humorous Action Cards, while trying to keep their own safe. The goal is to be the last duck in the pond!

  • Children and Party Game
  • Hand Management
  • Fun and Humor

Game Time:40 min
Language:English, Not Much
Weight:800 g
Designer:Keith Meyers
Artist:Randy Martinez
BGG Link:sitting-ducks-deluxe

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